Tentative Agreement Reached with Minneapolis Parks Recreation Board

Nov 3, 2022

Minneapolis, MN —  Today, LIUNA Local 363 announced it has reached a tentative two-year agreement with the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board (MPRB). The deal will now go in front of union membership for a vote.

AJ Lange, Business Manager of LIUNA Local 363 said, “Our members absolutely deserve more, but we are confident this is the fairest contract we can negotiate for our members right now. Our negotiating committee did everything in our power to bring back a tentative agreement that gives Parks employees the respect and dignity they rightfully deserve. We didn’t get everything we wanted, but we secured important worker protections that were under attack. We are committed to fighting for our members as we move forward. I am profoundly grateful to the negotiating team, strike committee, and all of our members who worked so hard to get us to this point.”

Historically, economic provisions are based on earlier settlements between management and bargaining units. LIUNA Local 363 is the last MPRB bargaining unit to propose a tentative agreement to its membership of more than 200 workers. Key features of the contract include a nearly five percent wage increase over the next two years, expanded longevity benefits, and additional paid holidays. As a result of the Union's efforts, management omitted previously proposed takeaways that would harm workers and undermine their protections. Following seven months of challenging negotiations with management, LIUNA Local 363 members made clear a strike is not in their interest at this time. 

The Union is scheduled to vote on the employer's latest offer by November 16 at 4:30 PM.

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