Minneapolis Park Workers Vote to Strike

Minneapolis, MN —  LIUNA Local 363, representing more than 200 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) employees, voted today to authorize a strike, with 94% of ballots in favor. AJ Lange, Business Manager of LIUNA Local 363 released the following statement after the vote.

"Our members have reached a breaking point after years of disrespect and neglect from the Park Board. Despite our endless hard work, skill, and dedication that makes Minneapolis’ parks the best in the nation, management continues to treat us with contempt. They ignore our urgent calls for basic safety protections, affordable and equitable healthcare, and a fair wage that reflects the value of our work. We refuse to be taken for granted any longer. We demand that the Park Board treat us with respect. We expect a fair contract that ensures worker dignity, well-being, and future livelihoods."
Local 363 will return to mediation on Thursday, June 20 with the authorization to file a strike notice if no significant progress towards a fair contract is made.
Photo: LIUNA 363 member Casey Roser joined by his kid, Teddy, to cast his strike vote.

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