Statement of LIUNA General President Brent Booker on the Firing of NLRB General Counsel and Removal of Board Member
Brent Booker, the General President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America, issued a statement on January 28 in response to the news that President Trump dismissed Jennifer Abruzzo, the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, along with Board Member Gwynne Wilcox.
"A working National Labor Relations Board is a critical forum for workers to bring forward their case when their employers have broken the law or abused their rights. With these firings, the NLRB will not be able to do business until successor members are confirmed — putting an immediate halt to hearing cases that need immediate attention. We urge President Trump to fill these vacancies as soon as possible with leaders who will put the interests of workers first ahead of big business and protect the rights and safety of our members."