363 MPRB March for Justice final 


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Why is Superintendent Al Bangoura and the Minneapolis Park Board Spreading Anti-worker Misinformation? 

Mpls cherry and spoon

In response to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Strike Statement on July 5, LIUNA Local 363 is compelled to release a comprehensive set of fact-checks that expose the Board's numerous inaccuracies and misleading claims.

Download the detailed fact check memo and ULP charge linked below.

Downloadable: Fact Check of 7-5-24 Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board Strike Statement

ULP Charge Against MPRB



“The extent and nature of these misrepresentations suggest a troubling pattern that I believe goes beyond mere error and into the realm of intentional deception. Their illegal, anti-worker behavior is unacceptable —  conduct unbecoming of a public servant. Minneapolis is better than this." - AJ Lange, Business Manager of LIUNA Local 363

MPRB Exposed Header (1)


Key points from Local 363's fact-check:

Strike Numbers Downplayed

The Park Board grossly underreported strike participation, likely to downplay the impact and support for the workers' cause. Contrary to claims of minimal disruption, the effects are widespread: concerts were canceled, deliveries halted as union musicians and truck drivers honored picket lines, and non-striking employees were diverted from regular duties to cover Local 363 MPRB tasks.

Youth Labor Concerns:

The Park Board's assignment of Teen Teamworks to striking workers' duties raises ethical concerns. This exposes young workers to complex labor issues and potentially encourages scabbing (strikebreaking), undermining the principles of fair labor practices and worker solidarity.

Perpetuating Pay Gap:

The Park Board's 10.25% increase over three years fails to address the 10% pay cut in real terms that workers have endured in recent years. Market adjustments are insufficient for metro competitiveness. Claims of budget constraints contradict $25 million reserves and $50 million in open, private contracts. Local 363 proposal requires a mere 0.5% of the projected $400 million three-year budget.

Regressive Proposals:

Despite its financial capacity, the Park Board pushes contracts that diminish worker rights. The Park Board has omitted mention of its numerous proposed concessions, which include removing basic protections against bias and discrimination, shifting to discretionary wage increases, and severely restricting access to union representation through limitations on grievance filing and the removal of stewards.

Salary Deception:

The Park Board misrepresents worker pay: Only 2% earn a top salary ($92,000/year), 83% close to or below $61,000/year, and 30% seasonal at under $22.50/hour. The false claim of exceeding the City of Minneapolis package: The City offered a 16% first-year increase, and 30% over three years, far surpassing the Park Board's offer. Meanwhile, Superintendent Al Bangoura received a 10% raise this year outside of the budget process and management salaries outpace inflation.

Safety and Savings Rejected:

Local 363 proposed empowering workers with safety tools, which the Park Board countered with punitive measures. Local 363 also offered a health insurance plan with improved coverage that would save over $300,000 annually, which the Park Board refused to negotiate over. These responses demonstrate a reluctance to address worker concerns or consider cost-effective solutions.

The sheer volume and nature of these misrepresentations raise alarming questions:

Why is Superintendent of Parks Al Bangoura and the Park Board resorting to such anti-union, anti-worker tactics? What are they trying to hide? And how can the public trust an organization that appears willing to openly deceive its workers and the community it serves?

We call on the media and the public to scrutinize the Superintendent of Parks Al Bangoura and the Park Board's claims carefully and to demand answers.


The hardworking individuals who maintain our beloved park system deserve honest, respectful negotiations - not a union-busting campaign of misinformation designed to undermine their just demands.

We stand ready to provide full details of our fact-check to any interested parties. It's time for transparency, honesty, and fair dealing from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.

Minneapolis Parks Workers on strike