
Minneapolis Park Workers Approve New Contract After 22-Day Strike

Written by LIUNA MNND Communications | Aug 1, 2024 11:27:06 PM


Minneapolis, MN — Today, Minneapolis Park workers, represented by LIUNA Local 363, voted overwhelmingly to approve a new contract with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board. The agreement comes after a 22-day strike.

AJ Lange, Business Manager of LIUNA Local 363, issued the following statement:

"Our members' sacrifices and solidarity yielded more than improved wages and benefits. We reaffirmed that Minneapolis is a union town. This victory extends beyond our union, demonstrating the power of working people when they stand united.

“We stood up against anti-worker, union busting at the Park Board and sent a clear message all workers deserve dignity and respect.

"Our members’ courage and resilience is truly inspiring and I’m proud to stand beside them. Their sacrifice and solidarity carried this fight.

"This contract fight is only part of our shared struggle for dignity and justice for the working class. Together, we'll build on this momentum to create stronger, more equitable workplaces for fellow working people.

"To everyone who supported us—joining picket lines, contacting commissioners, signing our petition, and donating to our hardship fund—your solidarity made a crucial difference. This victory belongs to all who stood with us."

Financial contributions to help offset substantial strike expenses can be made by check to Local 363.

Minneapolis Park Board Strike Results: Through solidarity and sacrifice, we prevailed—securing better wages, improved contract language, and proving that our collective strength is more powerful than fear tactics and intimidation.


  • 10.25% COLA over 3 years
  • $1.75/hour market adjustment
  • Nearly $2 million more for workers
  • By 2026, wages will increase by  $5.42/hour or $11,302/year on average
  • Preserved automatic step increases


  • Protected existing steward rights and solidified them in contract
  • Preserved full negotiating rights
  • Maintained grievance process
  • Retained existing drug testing standards protecting workers from bias and unfair treatment


  • Expanded contract rights around sick and bereavement leave
  • Protected fair overtime distribution
  • Preserved our Forestry transfer rights


  • Harmful language dropped
  • Workers protected from unnecessary  reporting requirements and targeting


  • Retained union rights for all seasonal workers
  • Doubled comp time benefits
  • Nearly doubled guaranteed permanent positions
  • Full-time seasonal schedules protected